Creating a special network Topology
Hello everyone, We ARTH Learners were provided with a task i.e.
Task Description📄
🔰 14.1 Create a network Topology Setup in such a way so that System A can ping to two Systems System B and System C but both these systems should not be pinging each other without using any security rule e.g. firewall, etc.
So Here’s how I did it:
System A:
I’ve manually altered the IP and routing table of it by the commands:
ifconfig enp0s3
route add -net enp0s3
System B:
Commands used for modifying the IP and routing table:
ifconfig enp0s3
route add -net enp0s3
System C:
Commands used for modifying the IP and routing table:
ifconfig enp0s3
route add -net enp0s3
After doing all these settings
Pinging Systems B and C from System A:
So we can see that both the systems are ping-able.
So there’s a connection established between (A and B) & (A and C)
Now pinging fromB to C:
As we see it’s not ping-able hence connection not established
Now pinging from C to B:
So the reverse is also not possible.
Hence the specified network topology has been successfully set up.